Brief History of Time in Christ Jesus,
The Original Word of God.


Lesson 1

From the beginning, Satan lied and denied Christ's faith;" and "Antipas was my faithful martyr," (Revelation 2:14 KJV) and "darkness was upon the face of the waters (Genesis 1:2). Satan became a murderer from the beginning." (John 8:44) and Jesus Christ became the author and finisher of our faith. (Hebrews 12:2) Hallelujah, Amen! But there is much, much more!

Lesson 2

According to the apostle Paul, the apostle Peter gives us a demonstration of the six days of the Creation in 2Peter 3:3-10, as written for the King James Version Bible. "Beloved," in verse eight is a Twenty-First Century KJV Bible reader, with knowledge of the Universe. That although "the heavens and the earth, which are now," may refer to the third day for those hearing Peter; it may refer to the fourth day, for "beloved," and those reading the KJV Bible today.

Lesson 3

The number of heavens in Genesis 2:1 may be estimated with the sand, and the stars; from the king of Salem priest of the most high God, known as Melchizedek in Genesis 22:17 and Melchisedec in Hebrews 11:12. Thus, the number of heavens, from the beginning, estimated to be two-quintillion, including both the sand and the stars, which "I will multipy," in Genesis 22:17, and which "srang there," the third day in Hebrews 11:12 KJV.

Lesson 4

"The water," which are the generations of God, of which we are a part, began from each of the heavens, of which none were compatible with the Big Bang in 2Peter 3:10. The waters themselves, were compatible, and Jesus's task was to know each one of the heavens on the third day, to auther and finish the faith, saving the seed with the psaltery, and with an instrument of ten strings, writing the heavens to obscurity.

Lesson 5

The "original sin," may be referenced in Revelation 2:12 & 13 from Isaiah 14:12, 13 & 14, according to John 8:44. The string may begin with the meaning of the word, "Pergamos," in Revelation 2:12, "height or elevation," which may direct us to, Isaiah 14:12-14, as the place of the church, according to, "ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God," "above the hieghts of the clouds," and "like the most High." It was there in which Lucifer denied the faith of Jesus Christ, who "believeth" in the Word of God; lied, and Antipas was martyred, and "darkness was upon the face of the deep," The Creation was in darkness and Jesus became the author and finisher of our faith," Hebrews 12:2.

Lesson 6

According to the apostle Paul, the apostle Peter gives us a demonstration of the six days of the Creation in 2Peter 3:3-10, as a "demonstration" for the logical format in the King James Version Bible. "Knowing this first," in the beginning, with, "days" to include the first days of the Creation. Having, "from the beginning" in verse four, a significent number, the beginning closes in verse five, using three verses, for the Heaven of heavens, as indicated by the three times, "from the beginning," occurs before Psalms. with prophey for the second day, which occurs in verse six, another significent number. Verse seven may be of the third day that with, "the heavens and the earth, which are now," may become the fourth day for us, today.

Lesson 7

Now, in verse eight, "beloved," may become the 21st Century King James Version Bible reader, not ignorant of the fifth day, and sixth day, of "a thousand years," to follow. Significently, with the two times, "thousand years" occurs in verses one, two, and three of Revelation twenty, we have the fifth day for, "the dragon, that old serpent. And with, "a thousand years," in verse four, the fifth day for those mentioned in Revelation six, verses nine, ten, and eleven. The sixth day may begin in verse seven, with the sixth time, "thousand years," occurs in Revelation twenty.

. 1990, 2023