This Wood Guitar
By reddNeo

I'm going to make a wood guitar for all the world to hear.
It will play of love and life, everything endear.
That when I make this wood guitar, it will sound so sweet.
It will say what I could not to whom I could not meet.
And maybe then this wood guitar will make a difference good.
They hear it play for all that right and think it in the wood.

But I know this wood guitar is much more than it seem.
A part of me is in it then with song that I did dream.
And it will play this wood guitar for everything I said.
Knowing not what it has done for that writ to be read.
And when they hear this wood guitar and see what they did find.
They will delight for all that right and know it by the sign. 

See I am in this wood guitar with song that need be sung.
We live there contentedly and come out with a strum.
That with a strum this wood guitar and I begin to play.
Of love and life and all that right for whom I could not say.
So maybe then this wood guitar with song we have to sing.
Will then be done when with a strum and me I am the string!

Thank you.
. 1989-2022