The Original Word of God.

The King James Version Bible, "in few words."

A real solution.

In Christ Jesus' Holy Name,
Friday, 10/10/2023.

The Matrix, the King James Version Bible, and super-string~M-theory; by the Word of The LORD.
The Kenneth Jesus Victory Bible

First! the reader should consider, I AM THAT I AM, ALIVE in King James Version letters, according to the words of the KJV text. The King James Version Bible is aware of you, the 21st Century KJV Bible reader; "beloved," be not ignorant of that.

My demonstration of the Creation:
Starting with the estimated two-quintillion heavens, of which none compliant with the Big Bang. But the waters in each of the heavens, were "peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues," and each "seed" is different. Each one needing a beginning to third day experience, before being known, seed taken, the heaven vanquished with "psaltery" and "an instrument of ten strings," three times in Psalms. Thus, the Matrix; and now, here we are..

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I think, "from the beginning," in Psalms 119:116 KJV, may place the reader at, "In the beginning," in Genesis 1:1 KJV. And with, "from the beginning," in Proverbs 8:23, "in the beginning," in 8:22 may be considered with the third day of the Creation, beginning Proverbs 8. The beginning in Proverbs 8:23 may be introduced by the seven Spirits of God, mentioned in Isaiah 11:2. The Spirit of the LORD with, "I" and Wisdom, and Knowledge in Proverbs 8:12 KJV; of the fear of the LORD in Proverbs 8:13, with Counsel, Understanding and Might in Proverbs 8:14.

To set you on your path, the King James Version Bible reveals the works of the Lord; by the Word of God, "from the beginning of the Creation." Christianity has inhereted their ancient understanding of KJV Scripure from the third day of the Creation, with third day parameters. Thus inappropriate, the KJV Bible has been upgraded over the days of Creation through edits, for "the fourth day" of the Creation; Today, when "he made the stars also." The heaven and the earth is perfect, but there is evil. (Hebrews 5:12, 13 & 14) Thus, our "new commandment," in John 13:34 KJV, judged according to your works; there will be no evil!

Thus, the KJV Bible reader may begin, "from the beginning," in Genesis 2:4, and begin again for the third day with, "in the beginning." in Proverbs 8:22, and "from the beginning," in Proverbs 8:23; for the LORD and the Word of the LORD. There is an estimated two-quintillion heavens to have occurred, counting both the sand and the stars in Genesis 22:17 and Hebrews 11:12. The strings of the heavens are "without seam, woven from the top throughout," into KJV Scripture! It would appear that Genesis 1:1 is the beginning of the dichotomy, with one and zero for binary code; to end with the sixth day, in Revelation 22. "22", is a good number.

We, the KJV reader, are positioned on the fourth day of the Creation, before the occurrence of the Big Bang in 2Peter 3:10. Actually, it was all the different versions of the heavens, incompatible with the Big Bang, as "sin" and the reason for the works of the LORD. HE would have knowledge of each, like the sheep and the goats, taking the "seed," and move the heavens to super-string~M-theory with "psaltery" and "instrument of ten strings" for the Big Bang, for the forth day, Today! And with, "But the heavens and the earth, which are now," as the third day in 2Peter 3:7 becomes the fourth day, with "beloved," listening to Peter, speaking for Paul, now reading the King James Version Bible in the 21st Century. Thus aware of dark matter and dark energy, is not ignorant of the fifth days and sixth day in verse eight. Important in understanding the mysteries of the epistles of Paul.
These are the last days, and today; the day of the Lord, "not by water only, but by water and blood." This is how we are all "free from sin."

The Creation of the heaven and the earth, from the beginning, is for all of the estimated two-quintillion "heavens," in Genesis 2:1; according to the sand and the stars in Genesis 22:17 and Hebrews 11:12. The Creation, for these heavens, ends in a, "Matrix," created on the second day, and made on the third day; and "are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day," (2Peter 3:7) the fourth day of the Creation, today: the day "he made the stars also," in Genesis 1:16.

I believe the LORD removed the "seed," and wrote the heaven to ten strings; which when complete, Planck density, and the Big Bang may occur. Each of the heavens, by default, are incompatible with the Big Bang. Each of "the heavens" begin with, "Knowing this first," "from the beginning," according to the previous third day with additions for the next beginning, from the next second day; for the next third day. However, when the heavens are all moved to the ten strings of super-string~M-theory, the Big Bang may occur. Thus, Today!

According to the apostle Paul, the apostle Peter gives us a demonstration of the six days of the Creation in 2Peter 3:3-10, as written for the King James Version Bible. "Beloved," in verse eight is a Twenty-First Century KJV Bible reader, with knowledge of the Universe. That although "the heavens and the earth, which are now," may refer to the third day for those hearing Peter; it may refer to the fourth day, for "beloved," and those reading the KJV Bible today.

Thus we may consider the two days mentioned in 2Peter 3:8, the fifth day and sixth day of the Creation. To prepare for this the words, "thousand years," appears first in Psalms 90:4, as recognition of the sixth day, from the fourth day; and Ecclesiastes 6:6, for the fifth day, "twice told," and "do not all go to one place," as in Revelation 20:1-4. Whereby in verse four, "a thousand years," references those mentioned in Revelation 6:9-11, and the sixth day, "a thousand years as one day," beginning with the sixth, "thousand years," in verse seven. "Thousand years," is the signs, the technical era is the seasons, the days of the Creation for the days, and 21st Century for the years; the key.

Why, Seven Days?
"In the beginning God created," which is where we begin in Revelation 2:12-13, according to the meaning of the name, Pergamos, with "mount of the congregation," in Isaiah 14:12-14, and, "lie," in John 8:44. Satan's seat, in which he, "abode not in the truth," which martyred Antipas, and "darkness was upon the face of the deep," Satan has denied the faith of Jesus Christ, who, "believeth," in the Word of the LORD, from the beginning. Now, "looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of [our] faith..."

But beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that the fifth day is one day as a thousand years, and the sixth day, a thousand years as one day. Thus, "the waters," of "the firmament," occur "from the beginning/first days, before Psalms. The second day, in Psalms & Proverbs; and the third day following Proverbs 8:22 KJV. "Knowing this first," because Christ Jesus is; "the last Adam," in "these last days."

The KJV Logical Format may be demarcated by phrases, "in few words," in which, "from the beginning," may be used "for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years." Thus the beginning/first days occur with, "from the beginning," three times before Psalms. The second day with the two times "from the beginning," occurs in Psalms and Proverbs, and the third day with "from the beginning," ten times following Proverbs in OT KJV text. The KJV NT is third day by default.

The fifth day occurs twice, once in Revelation 20:1-3 & again in verse 4, for those mentioned in Revelation 6:9,10,11. and the sixth day one day as a thousand years with the sixth occurrence of, "the thousand years," in verse seven, as said in 2Peter 3:8.

The "sin" of "the heavens," in Genesis 2:1, was their incompatibility with the Big Bang in 2Peter 3:10. It would appear as though the ten commandments could be used to negate and take out this limitation with an instrument of ten strings and psaltery writing the heavens to the ten strings of super-string~M-theory. And with the waters, (~M-), let there be the Big Bang.

Here it is, John 3:16 KJV: For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, Jesus that believeth in the Word of the LORD, Christ should not perish, but have everlasting life.

My Lord Jesus Christ gave me the King James Version Bible, and He let me know it; from my near-death experience with him 10/4/1972. Began work 1/1/1990, and understood by Tuesday, 22/02/2022; "in due time," while Queen Elizabeth II: Queen of England. Thus the King James Version Bible, in which sin is the incompatibility of, "the heavens;" in Genesis 2:1 with the Big Bang, in 2Peter 3:10. Today, the fourth day of the Creation; "the day of the Lord," which occurred "not by water only: but by water and blood." And when the King James Version Bible can be an important asset in the Science class, it will be a whole new version of theology; Matrixtheology, hearing a whole other voice inside. Note the dichotomy here.

The Documentary Hypothesis, "Who Wrote The Bible," by Richard Elliott Friedman, 1987; may be used as a mirror, for evidence of 21st Century Cosmology and string theory. The Documentary Hypothesis has ten strings. They are, J: Yahwist, E: Elohist and JE:. Deuteronomic Dtr1 & Dtr2, D†: Deuteronomic, P*: Priestly, R: redactor & Torah; DH: Deuteronomic History. Could we match these with ten commandments?

The Documentary Hypothesis, ten strings; from the beginning! This is reinforced by the first days, second day and third day occurring, from the beginning in Genesis 1:3, Genesis 7:1 and Genesis 9:8, in the beginning. Ten strings, "from the beginning," in preparation for the waters of each of the heavens in ten strings, the third day; "by water only," according to "psaltery" and "instrument of ten strings," three times in Psalms.

I would think, at this point that ten strings of Documentary Hypothesis, in this configuration, may be matched with the ten occurrences of, "from the beginning," following Proverbs in OT KJV text. Looking at "from the beginning" in Isaiah 48:16, or Jeremiah 17:12, regarding "without form and void," with Adam and Eve in Jeremiah 4:23-31; I would say this may go well with Deuteronomic History and Torah. It would appear, at this point Melchizedek/Melchisedec associated with JE:, and P*:. And possibly, DH:, a third day understanding; before the Twenty-First Century.

Diagram of the 20th century documentary hypothesis.
J: Yahwist (10th–9th century BCE)[1][2]
E: Elohist (9th century BCE)[1]
Dtr1: early (7th century BCE) Deuteronomic historian
Dtr2: later (6th century BCE) Deuteronomic historian
P*: Priestly (6th–5th century BCE)[3][2]
D†: Deuteronomist
R: redactor
DH: Deuteronomic History (books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings)

The "original sin," may be referenced in Revelation 2:12 & 13 from Isaiah 14:12, 13 & 14, according to John 8:44. The string may begin with the meaning of the word, "Pergamos," the name of the church. The meaning, "height or elevation," is furthered with, Isaiah 14:12-14, having "ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God," "above the hieghts of the clouds," and "like the most High." It was there in which Lucifer denied the faith, and His Name, in which the devil lied, and Antipas martyred. According to John 8:44, "where thou dwellest," in Revelation 2:13, was where, "abode not in the truth," made the devil, "a murderer from the beginning."

Antipas martyred; darkness was upon the face of the deep, and beginning "Jesus the author and finisher of our faith." We may all be part of, "host," in Genesis 2:1, according to letters in Genesis 1. Today is the fourth day of the Creation. The day, "he made the stars also:" in which we are all, "baptized," in the womb & "born again," "free from sin."

[Jhn 8:44 KJV] "Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

The reason for the days of Creation in Genesis 1 of the King James Version Bible, may be found in Revelation 12:1-2 & 5. "And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: 2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered." [Rev 12:5 KJV] 5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and [to] his throne." As mother of the man child; born naturally, to rule the nations with an iron rod as the demonstration in Revelation 19:15.

As always, the strings are abundant. Notice twelve and five in cited verse, which may correspond with 1205; 5 being half of ten, and "a thousand two hundred and threescore days;" corresponding with 1260, 6 being half of twelve for the two added in Psalms & Proverbs. Regarding placeholders, does that give us 2465, or 1265; it may be both, or it is both.

My trifecta:[Romans 6:20-22 KJV]
20 For when ye were the servants of sin, ye were free from righteousness.
21 What fruit had ye then in those things whereof ye are now ashamed? for the end of those things [is] death.
22 But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life.

Twenty-First Century Cosmology, may understand the creation of the heaven and the earth; beginning from Planck density. This was when, according to 2Peter 3:7 KJV; the Creation was full of the waters of the heavens, in which the Big Bang may have been ready to occur. The King James Version Bible has the history of what has occurred from before the Big Bang, even from the everlasting. The history may be found in patterns, as have occurred in the KJV Bible also.

We cannot know those things of those other heavens, yet we may know the effect they may have on the world in which we live today, the day "he made the stars also." Finding patterns in the strings, may be a good way to go. The history of the Creation before the Big Bang, may be found in the ten strings of M-theory; according to OT KJV text following the book of Proverbs.

The actual first days "in the beginning," occur with the three times; "from the beginning," occur before Psalms. First in Deuteronomy 11:12, in which the words; "LORD thy God," occur twice, matching, the LORD, and the Word of the LORD with, "eyes of the LORD thy God" with six words, in a six day pattern which may illustrate the fourth day for us, today. The apostle Paul's six day demonstration in 2Peter, chapter three, verses three through ten, begin with the phrase, "Knowing this first," and "days" as a pattern for the 21st Century, King James Version Bible reader, in which "be not ignorant," of the days of a thousand years in 2Peter 3:8 is instruction for a 21st Century King James Version Bible reader. This is because not until the 21st Century, was super-string~M-theory even known, which arms the reader with the ability to understand, "the heavens" in Genesis 2:1, with "instrument of ten strings," three times in Psalms and "from the beginning," ten times, following Proverbs in OT KJV text.

"From the beginning," in OT KJV text.

1. [Deu 11:12 KJV] A land which the LORD thy God careth for: the eyes of the LORD thy God [are] always upon it, from the beginning of the year even unto the end of the year.

2. [Deu 32:42 KJV] I will make mine arrows drunk with blood, and my sword shall devour flesh; [and that] with the blood of the slain and of the captives, from the beginning of revenges upon the enemy.

3. [2Sa 21:10 KJV] And Rizpah the daughter of Aiah took sackcloth, and spread it for her upon the rock, from the beginning of harvest until water dropped upon them out of heaven, and suffered neither the birds of the air to rest on them by day, nor the beasts of the field by night.

The second day occurs with the two times the phrase, "from the beginning," occurs in Psalms and Proverbs, and with help from the "psaltery and an instrument of ten strings." we have twelve, a sacred number. "The waters" may be taken from the heavens with the "psaltery" and "an instrument of ten strings," three times in Psalms.

A. [Psa 33:2 KJV] Praise the LORD with harp: sing unto him with the psaltery [and] an instrument of ten strings.

B. [Psa 92:3 KJV] Upon the psaltery and an instrument of ten strings, and upon the psaltery; upon the harp with a solemn sound.

1. [Psa 119:160 KJV] Thy word [is] true [from] the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments [endureth] for ever

C. [Psa 144:9 KJV] I will sing a new song unto thee, O God: upon a psaltery [and] an instrument of ten strings will I sing praises unto thee.

2. [Pro 8:23 KJV] I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was.

The third day may begin, "from the beginning," in Psalms & Proverbs as the Heaven of heavens; with the heavens in the ten times, "from the beginning," occurs following Proverbs in OT KJV text, for all of the two-quintillion heavens. It would appear as though each of the heavens were divided into ten strings, after the heavens were divided with the days, which divided the waters from the waters.

1. [Ecc 3:11 KJV] He hath made every [thing] beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

2. [Isa 40:21 KJV] Have ye not known? have ye not heard? hath it not been told you from the beginning? have ye not understood from the foundations of the earth?

3. [Isa 41:4 KJV] Who hath wrought and done [it], calling the generations from the beginning? I the LORD, the first, and with the last; I [am] he.

4. [Isa 41:26 KJV] Who hath declared from the beginning, that we may know? and beforetime, that we may say, [He is] righteous? yea, [there is] none that sheweth, yea, [there is] none that declareth, yea, [there is] none that heareth your words.

5. [Isa 46:10 KJV] Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times [the things] that are not [yet] done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:

6. [Isa 48:3 KJV] I have declared the former things from the beginning; and they went forth out of my mouth, and I shewed them; I did [them] suddenly, and they came to pass.

7. [Isa 48:5 KJV] I have even from the beginning declared [it] to thee; before it came to pass I shewed [it] thee: lest thou shouldest say, Mine idol hath done them, and my graven image, and my molten image, hath commanded them.

8. [Isa 48:7 KJV] They are created now, and not from the beginning; even before the day when thou heardest them not; lest thou shouldest say, Behold, I knew them.

9. [Isa 48:16 KJV] Come ye near unto me, hear ye this; I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, there [am] I: and now the Lord GOD, and his Spirit, hath sent me.

10. [Jer 17:12 KJV] A glorious high throne from the beginning [is] the place of our sanctuary.

And here we have the Magi: King Solomon with gold, Isaiah with frankincense and Jeremiah with myrrh. I believe that "psaltery," with, "instrument of ten strings;" three times in Psalms, is the Holy Grail.

Regarding the fifth days and sixth day in 2Peter 3:8 KJV: the fifth day, one day as a thousand years, is seen twice. Once with the two, "thousand years" in Revelation 20:2 & 3, for the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan. Once in Revelation 20:4, for those mentioned in Revelation 6:9-11 KJV.
The sixth day, a thousand years as one day, begins with the sixth occurrence of, "thousand years," in Revelation 20:7 KJV.

I believe Melchizedek/Melchisedec, "king of Salem, priest of the most high God," may be redactor. Melchizedek, from the beginning in Genesis 14:18, the second day in Psalms 110:4; to the third day, Melchisedec in the book of Hebrews. Redactor.
This demonstration of the fourth day of the Creation, in the King James Version Bible is of the day in which, "he made the stars also." "Beloved," "be not ignorant of" the fifth days and sixth day, of "a thousand years" in Revelation 20:1-7.

Our best demonstration of these last days of the Creation in the King James Version Bible, may be found from Paul in 2Peter 3; beginning in verse three. Very carefully, "in few words;" we are, "in the beginning:" with the three words, "Knowing this first," in which the first days are included with, "days." Appropriately, in four words, and three verses. Expressing the duality of the work with, "from the beginning," in verse four, and prophecy to come with, "the earth standing out of the water and in the water:" in verse five, leading to the second day not in verse seven but verse six with the five words, "being overflowed with water, perished;" one too many.

This may be reminiscent of the two fifth days occurring in Revelation 20:2-3 and in verse four. Relating "four words" with the fourth verse; and "three verses," to include verse one for verses two and three, having "an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand." Revelation 20:1 KJV. "Having," "having," "and;" three words. The sixth day beginning verse seven, according to the days of a thousand years in 2Peter 3:8 KJV.

The Seven Days of the Creation:

The LORD Created the heaven and the earth, in the Word of the LORD; in the Sprit of God, "in few words," "from the beginning:" the first days. All according to the three times, "from the beginning," occurs before Psalms.

In the waters of the flood the second day with the two times, "from the beginning," occurs in Psalms and Proverbs; according to the three times, "psaltery" and "instrument of ten strings," occur in the book of Psalms.

By water only, the third day with the ten times; "from the beginning," occurs following Proverbs in OT, KJV text. It may be seen today in the ten strings of M-theory, theoretical Cosmology. And back to the beginning and the first days, second day and third day. Upon reaching, Planck Density, with "the waters," of the third day heavens; the Big Bang is precipitated, and Today rendered. Today, the fourth day of the Creation. The day in which, "he made the stars also;" us!

Jesus Christ returns, and per 2Peter 3:8 KJV; the fifth day; one day as a thousand years. The sixth day, a thousand years as one day; in Revelation 20.

The seventh day, and back to the beginning with the fifth days; occuring once, with the two times, "thousand years," appears in Revelation 20:1-3 KJV and again in verse four, for those mentioned in Revelation 6:9-11. And the sixth day with the sixth occurrence of, "thousand years, in chapter twenty of the book of Revelation, beginning verse seven!

As redactor, I believe Melchizadek, spoke from the beginning first days of the Creation, in Genesis 14:17 KJV; and second day in Psalms 110:4. He spoke as Melchisedec from the third day in the book of Hebrews, and by Hebrews 7:3; in the fourth day, today in 1611 England, "in few words," as said in Hebrews 13:22; to complete his work in the KJV Bible.

After a near death experience with Jesus Christ the 10th of April, 1972, I was given special insight, and have a new understanding of the six days of Creation in the King James Version Bible. The understanding is logical, plausible, and original; applicable for any science or religion, today!

My understanding of the days of Creation in the King James Version Bible:

1. "Knowing this first," the Word of the LORD made the heaven and the earth, complete; in the Spirit of God. And not created God, "Let there be light," and God saw the light, that it was good and God divided the light from the darkness, the day from the night; the first days.

2. The second day, in few words. God let there be a heaven for "the waters" and let it divide "the waters from the waters." And "upon a psaltery; and an instrument of ten strings," the waters were devided and the heaven: good, God called Heaven.

3. The third day, good these "last days," finalized improvements from the previous third day, while all established for the forthcoming fourth day.

Per our foundation, there are tellings of the first days, second day and third day; written in the King James Version Bible before Psalms, from the beginning. It is written in order to provide a place for the third day to occur, forthwith.
The book of Genesis tells our story from the beginning in chapter two, verse four. The second day may begin in chapter seven, and the third day in chapter nine. This is important because the first thing God said, "from the beginning," was to "Be fruitful, and multiply," which was the whole purpose of the Creation in the first place, according to our victory in Revelation 12:1, 2 & 5.

4. Back to the beginning, for the next heaven in this series of heavens used to complete the Creation ("by water only").

There are two things to be done on the third day, verify that everything is present, and current. If not, back to the beginning to establish the new things of that third day in the Word of God the first days; the waters the second day, and the Spirit of God the third day. After the last of the waters have been taken from the heavens, we reach Planck Density, the Big Bang, and today, the fourth day of the Creation. Look outside, "he made the stars also."

After which, judgement according to, "works," according to, "love" ("not by water only, but by water and blood").

Christ Jesus returns, judgement; the fifth days.

5. And the fifth days as, "thousand years," occurs in Revelation 20:2 & 3; for "the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan."

And for those mentioned in Revelation 6:9, 10 & 11; the fifth day occurs for a thousand years in Revelation 20:4.

6. The sixth day beginning in Revelation 20:7, one day as a thousand years in chapter 20.

7. The seventh day: everlasting, forevermore!

The apostle Paul's "demonstration" of the logical format of the King James Version Bible, "in few words," 2Peter 3:3-8.

2Peter 3:3-4&5 "Knowing this first," is, "in the beginning;" with three verses, and the first days with prophecy of the second day, "and the earth standing out of the water and in the water."
2Peter 3:6 the second day with "the world," "being overflowed with water, perished."
2Peter 3:7 the third day with, "But the heavens and the earth, which are now."
2Peter 3:8 the fourth day with, "But beloved, be not ignorant of," and, "But the day" in verse ten. The fifth day and sixth day in verse eight, to complete these "last days," of the Creation. The Big Bang is seen in 2Peter 3:10 with, "the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up." Today; the day, "he made the stars also."

My opinion: the fifth days, sixth day, and seventh day may go into a cycle much like the first days, second day, and third day from the beginning, but under different circumstance!

The goal achieved in Revelation 12:1, 2 & 5 and we have a heaven and earth in which woman may give child birth, and man may survive the everlasting in the Kingdom of God!

The King James Version Bible is very simple. It uses the word, "Thus," in Genesis 2:1, to specify the six days in Genesis 1 for all of the heavens in Genesis 2:1. There are an estimated two-quintillion heavens, counting the sand and the stars in Genesis 22:17 & Hebrews 11:12, and when enough third day strings have been written to the ten times, "from the beginning," occurs following Proverbs in OT KJV text. Here we reach, Planck Density, allowing the Big Bang to occur, rendering the fourth day of the Creation, today, the day, "he made the stars also." The tellings of the strings of the heavens on the third day of Creation, begin in Genesis 2:4, woven like Jesus' coat at the cross, John 19:23, with letters of three languages having one message, like the superscription above him on his cross, Luke 23:38.
The apostle Paul gives "demonstration" of these "last days" in 2Peter 3:3-8. In verse eight, the King James Version Bible reader of the fourth day of the Creation, today, is told be not ignorant of the days of a thousand years in verse eight. Thus, understood to be the fifth day and sixth day of the Creation in our story, and "beloved" is found. These two days of a thousand years occur after the Big Bang, in the fourth of these last days of the Creation in verse ten. There is warning for those of the third day of the Creation, closing the telling in verse eleven.

A logical format of the King James Version Bible.

The KJV Bible is a picture of the Creation, as given in Genesis one. Beginning in Genesis 2:4, the stories are told of the many strings woven to third day of, "the heavens," in Genesis 2:1. Using the, "few words," "from the beginning," we see "ten strings," of "the heavens," on the third day, which may begin in Ecclesiastes 3:11, with gold from King Solomon. The third day continues with the eight times, "from the beginning," occurs in Isaiah, with frankincense; to conclude once in Jeremiah, with myrrh. May this be the Magi, for all of the two-quintillion heavens; and that with the KJV NT, it is finished. The King James Version Bible offers the Word of God, "in few words," from three distinct logical positions. The first is from the first days in the beginning, with the three times the "few words," "from the beginning," occurs before Psalms. The second part, for the second day, occurs with the two times "from the beginning," occurs in Psalms and Proverbs. The third day occurs with the ten times, "from the beginning," occurs in OT KJV text, following Proverbs. This is given.

Considering the KJV Creation of the heavens and the earth from the first word, "Thus," opens the first chapter of Genesis as a pattern for all of, "the heavens," in Genesis 2 to occur. And they occur in subsequent scripture, woven like His coat at the cross, throughout OT KJV text. This is from a God Who would not be confined to the voices of the prophets, but can work the text to His purpose, regardless "the heavens."

The only significant difference between the KJV Interpret and a Christian historical grammatical interpretation of the King James Version Bible, is perspective. The KJV Interpet begins the understanding with the word, "Thus," in Genesis 2:1; giving all of, "the heavens," a place in the six days of Creation in Genesis 1. The strings of the days of the heavens are found woven throughtout OT KJV text, according to the occurrance of the phrase, "from the beginning." The waters from the estimated two-quintillion heavens in Gen. 2:1.
Christianity does not have a correct perspective of the days of the Creation in Genesis 1. The way they do this is by not considering the word, "Thus," in Gen. 2:1; to render Christianity a perspective of the days in Genesis 1, without form and void! A correct understanding may only come from the beginning in Genesis 1:1. A Christian understanding does not begin from the beginning, therefore; "willingly are ignorant of," can only be: "the spirit of error," incorrect.

Actually, this work shows a direct connection between Theoretical Cosmology and the
King James Version Bible.
The Maker's picture of

Super-string~M-theory=Lamb's book of life!

We have the seven Spirits of the Spirit of God in Isiaih 11:2 KJV; "And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD;"

We may find proof in Exodus 31:3; "And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship,"
Exodus 35:31 KJV; "And he hath filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship;"
This trifecta gives support to using the days of the Creation as the logical format for the King James Version Bible. Here in Exodus, the Spirit of God is spoken of as from the beginning; and in Isaiah, spoken of as from the third day of the Creation.

The first chapter of Genesis is the introduction, as a pattern for the remainder of the King James Version Bible. The many stories of "the heavens," from the beginning and third days of the Creation, begin in Genesis 2:4, and are woven throughout OT KJV text, for today, the fourth day of the Creation. It is summarized and completed in KJV NT text. Thus, the days of Creation introduced in Genesis 1, are revealed throughout the remainder of KJV text.

The apostle Paul uses patterns in the KJV text, "to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:" "(as I wrote afore in few words, 4 Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ)."

And according to Hebrews 7:3 KJV, Melchisedec may have "written a letter unto you in few words" which may have been the King James Version Bible, England 1611; 411 years before Queen Elizabeth II passed, Tuesday 22/02/2022. And maybe verse 23 offers instruction.
23 Know ye that [our] brother Timothy is set at liberty; with whom, if he come shortly, I will see you.

The few words used to demarcate the logical format of the KJV Bible are, “from the beginning.” It divides Holy Scripture into three distinct separate parts. Wrote three times from the beginning-first days (before Psalms), two times the second day (Psalms & Proverbs); to finish, ten times the third day of the Creation (OT KJV text following Proverbs), as "the Revelation of Jesus Christ."

The logic is in a pattern that demarcate the days of the Creation into three logical parts. In this way, the "Heaven of heavens," is introduced from the beginning-first days with the "LORD thy God", and Word of the LORD both in Deuteronomy 11:12, the first days in Deuteronomy 32:42, with "will make mine arrows drunk with blood," and the Spirit of God in 2Samuel 21:10, with "out of heaven."

“Knowing this first,” remembering the previous third day, but “darkness was upon the face of the deep;” in which satan had denied His faith, and lied “wherein Antipas was my faithful martyr,” and Jesus became the “finisher of our faith!” Revelation 2:12-13, John 8:44 & Isaiah 14:12, 13 & 14, Hebrews 12:2 KJV. [Gen 1:3 KJV] “And God said, Let there be light: and there was light;” the first days, and the Creation was saved by the Word of God.

Three passages of interest in the King James Version Bible are Revelation 2:12-13, John 8:44 & Isaiah 14:12-15, which I call a, 'trifecta,' because of common ground. Looking back to Revelation, the string starts out pointing to the location of, "Satan's seat," with the definition of the name of the church, "Pergamos." The word meaning height or elevation, may point the reader to Isaiah 14:13-14 with, "ascend into heaven," and "most High;" the capital, "H," connecting with the Name of the Lord.

Coming from the Word of God with, "sharp sword with two edges," in Revelation 2:12, and in verse thirteen, the corruption of the heavens, in the lies which martyred Antipas. Representing "darkness upon the face of the deep," in Genesis 1:2, Antipas was murdered by the lies of Satan, with "a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth," in John 8:44, and Antipas, the deep, was "faithful martyr," from the beginning.

We may consider "the heavens," in Genesis 2:1 with "the darkness," in Genesis 1:2, that will not occur without, "Faith," which had been "denied" and the deep could not come forth. This may be why Jesus had to know all the estimated two-quintillion heavens, each representing another string of days, which may be why there more than one telling of the crucifixion in the KJV NT! On each string of days, "the waters" Revelation 17:14, in the psaltery with an instrument of ten strings may write the heavens into the ten strings of M-Theory. And the stories begin from Genesis 2:4, for the fourth day, today, the day, "he made the stars also," the day of the Lord, 2Peter 3:10 & Genesis 1:16.

"The heavens" may collect, by water only, until Planck Density. Thus the Big Bang, Today, the fourth day of the Creation, and the heavens were written to the ten strings of super-string~M-theory, for the everlasting.

The apostle Paul gives us a "demonstration," of the logical format of the KJV Bible, with the six day telling "in few words," in 2Peter 3:3-8. From the beginning, with "Knowing this first" and "days," for the first days; to, "the earth standing out of the water and in the water," for prophecy of the second day, from the first days in verse five. In verse seven it is the third day with, "which are now," and because it was the last third day, it would not return to the beginning but was "reserved unto fire against the day of judgement." being the, "last days," with the Big Bang occurring in, "the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat," in 2Peter 3:10. The reader may want to mind the verse number here.

In 2Peter 3:7-8 "beloved," may be evidence of the fourth day, naturally from the third day in verse seven. There may also be instruction in verse eight for the fifth day and sixth day with, "a thousand years," and "be not ignorant of." This is for the 21st Century KJV Bible reader with knowledge of super-string~M-theory and dark matter. Known as "beloved," Kenneth X Redden, and the fifth days and sixth day may occur as "a thousand years," in verse eight. This occurs with the six times, "thousand years," is written in Revelation chapter twenty, verses one through seven. The fifth day twice, once with, "a thousand years," in Revelation 20:3 for the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and again with, "a thousand years," in verse four, for those mentioned in Revelation 6:9-11.

The sixth day begins in verse seven, "a thousand years as one day." It would appear to this soul that, "an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand," in verse one, was working for "the Spirit of Knowledge and of the fear of the LORD," managing the fifth day and sixth day consecutively.

Three passages of interest in the King James Version Bible are Revelation 2:12-13, John 8:44 & Isaiah 14:12-15, which I call a, 'trifecta,' because of common ground. Looking back to Revelation, the string starts out pointing to the location of, "Satan's seat," with the definition of the name of the church, "Pergamos." The word meaning height or elevation, may point the reader to Isaiah 14:13-14 with, "ascend into heaven," and "most High;" the capital, "H," connecting with the name of the Lord.

Coming from the Word of God with, "sharp sword with two edges," in Revelation 2:12, and in verse thirteen, the corruption of the heavens, in the lies which martyred Antipas. Representing "darkness upon the face of the deep," in Genesis 1:2, Antipas was murdered by the lies of Satan, with "a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth," in John 8:44, and Antipas, "the deep," was "faithful martyr," "from the beginning."

We may consider "the heavens," in Genesis 2:1 with "the darkness," in Genesis 1:2, that will not occur without, "faith," which had been "denied" and the deep could not come forth. This may be why Jesus had to know all the estimated two-quintillion heavens, each representing another string of days, which may be why there are more than one telling of the crucifixion in the KJV NT! On each string of days, "the waters" Revelation 17:14, in the psaltery with the instrument of ten strings may write the ten heavens into the ten strings of M-Theory. And the stories begin from Genesis 2:4, to the fourth day, today, the day of the Lord, 2Peter 3:10.

This logical format is illustrated by the six day, "demonstration," given by the apostle Paul, in 2Peter 3:3-8. Beginning from everlasting with the words, "Knowing this first," and first days with, "days," in verse three, we may move to the second day after, "from the beginning," in verse four.

Continuing, we may consider the second day with, "willingly are ignorant of," and, "out of the water and in the water," in verse five. Remembering the second day flood in verse six, to the third day, with, "now," in verse seven. Accordingly, "beloved" in verse eight may be the 21st Century, fourth day KJV Bible reader, aware of the, "ten strings" in M-Theory and three times in Psalms. Continuing, the fifth days and sixth day occur "as a thousand years," in Revelation 20:1-7 KJV.

The fact is that 2Peter 3:3-8 KJV is a six day telling of these last days of the Creation. It begins with, "Knowing this first," from everlasting; and first days, with "days," in verse three. The first days occurs with, "the Word of God," in verse five, and the second day is included in verse five with, "willingly are ignorant of," and, "the earth standing out of the water and in the water." The second day occurs in verse six with, "being overflowed with water, perished."

In 2Pete 3:7, it is the third day for those listening to Peter with, "the heavens and the earth, which becomes the fourth day for us reading the KJV Bible, today in verse eight. This means that the fifth day and sixth day occur in verse eight. The fifth days, "as a thousand years," which is seen twice in Revelation 20:1-4. It occurs once with, "a thousand years," in Revelation chapter twenty verse two, for "that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Sata," in verse three. It occurs again with, "a thousand years," in verse four; for those mentioned in Revelation 6:9-11. The sixth day begins with the sixth occurrence of, "thousand years," in verse seven as, "a thousand years as one day," which completes the telling of these last days of the Creation, unto the Big Bang, with "great noise," and "fervent heat," in 2Peter 3:10, calling, "ten strings," in Psalms, and super-string~M-theory, in theoretical Cosmology.

Regarding, “sin;” all those in the King James Version Bible may be guilty of sin because the third day came by water only. Today, however; came “not by water only, but by water and blood,” and by the blood we are sin free; but there is still evil. This is why you are judged according to your works; because there will be no evil!

Very Truly Yours,


Kenneth X Redden nDE, pL, AAS.
615 448-7204


This Wood Guitar

The Redd pill.

. 1990, 2023